Sunday, 6 April 2014

Polyvore! ♥

Hi guys!
First post in ages I know I will get into the habit of blogging more eventually!
As you guys know I am a girl who likes a bit of fashion but frankly can't be bothered to go out shopping so I use polyvore! I love creating and putting outfits together for other people mainly and not so much myself but polyvore is a great place to do this, you can put outfits and collections togther and publish them or just keep them for your eyes only! I only joined recently and I have only just started posting but if any of you guys want to check it out here is the link to my page and you should deffo make an ccount for yourself while you're there! Follow me and comment on my sets if you have any outfits or collections you want me to check out and I will be sure to give it a look!

Here are some of the sets that I have put together already- check out the link to see more :)
Summer prettiness

Edgy cuteness

Flirty Chick

That's it for this post guys! Thanks for putting up with me not posting in ages! Ily!
Talk to you in the comments!
Abbi xoxo

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