Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Welcome 2014!

Hi guys!
As most of you are probably aware it is in fact New Year's eve today! In Britain that is...depending on where you are it could be January 1st 2014.....anyway wherever you are and whatever the day is Happy New Years!
Yes 2014 is swooping in and taking us all by surprise leaving us wondering where last year went! Even though it went crazy fast it has still been amazing but I recon that 2014 is going to be even better!
So here are my New Year resolutions for 2014!

Number 1!

Blog more!
Yes I am making this resolution and I am sticking to it! My aim it to blog at least once a week for a minimum of three weeks a month (so it's okay if I miss one week a month but I will try not to!) Right now I think that it will probably on a Thursday but that all depends on school and my drama classes and show rehearsals.
Talking of school...

Number 2!

Stop Procrastinating!
I need to stop putting things off and do them right away! That includes blogging, homework, course work ( I will be starting my GCSE corses in April) and learning lines! Procrastinating is a really bad habit that I have and I have to stop!!

Number 3!

Practise guitar and clarinet more!
I don't practise enough basically...that's it!

Number 4!

My final one! Stop Worrying!
I worry a lot about things that I really don't need to worry about and I sometimes worry to the point that I feel sick but I couldn't do anything to change the situation anyway whether I was worrying or not- so why worry?! In 2014 I want to stop worrying about things that I cant change, have fun, do well, and have an amazing year and I hope the rest of you have an awesome year ahead of you too!!

So those are my new years resolutions, what are some of yours? Tell me in the comments and if they still aren't working (I know I know I am trying to get it sorted I promise!) Then tweet me @AbbiDabs13 or use the hashtag #girlandherdog2014 and I'm sure to reply asap!

So thanks guys! And I hope that's your 2014 rocks!
Talk to you soon! Abbi xoxoxoxo

PS Hope you guys like the new background curtsy of Shabby Blogs.com :)

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