Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Welcome 2014!

Hi guys!
As most of you are probably aware it is in fact New Year's eve today! In Britain that is...depending on where you are it could be January 1st 2014.....anyway wherever you are and whatever the day is Happy New Years!
Yes 2014 is swooping in and taking us all by surprise leaving us wondering where last year went! Even though it went crazy fast it has still been amazing but I recon that 2014 is going to be even better!
So here are my New Year resolutions for 2014!

Number 1!

Blog more!
Yes I am making this resolution and I am sticking to it! My aim it to blog at least once a week for a minimum of three weeks a month (so it's okay if I miss one week a month but I will try not to!) Right now I think that it will probably on a Thursday but that all depends on school and my drama classes and show rehearsals.
Talking of school...

Number 2!

Stop Procrastinating!
I need to stop putting things off and do them right away! That includes blogging, homework, course work ( I will be starting my GCSE corses in April) and learning lines! Procrastinating is a really bad habit that I have and I have to stop!!

Number 3!

Practise guitar and clarinet more!
I don't practise enough basically...that's it!

Number 4!

My final one! Stop Worrying!
I worry a lot about things that I really don't need to worry about and I sometimes worry to the point that I feel sick but I couldn't do anything to change the situation anyway whether I was worrying or not- so why worry?! In 2014 I want to stop worrying about things that I cant change, have fun, do well, and have an amazing year and I hope the rest of you have an awesome year ahead of you too!!

So those are my new years resolutions, what are some of yours? Tell me in the comments and if they still aren't working (I know I know I am trying to get it sorted I promise!) Then tweet me @AbbiDabs13 or use the hashtag #girlandherdog2014 and I'm sure to reply asap!

So thanks guys! And I hope that's your 2014 rocks!
Talk to you soon! Abbi xoxoxoxo

PS Hope you guys like the new background curtsy of Shabby Blogs.com :)

Saturday, 7 December 2013

November Favourites!

Hi guys! Okay first off I would like to apologise for not blogging in ages but for some reason my blogger account hasn't been working properly and I am glad to be able to talk to you guys again!
I know this blog post is kind of late considering but this post is going to be all of my November favourites!!

Okay so I haven't really done a blog post like this in the past, the products have been spate but that's not what I want to do this time so I am going to put them all in one post for this month.

The first thing that I have been using CONTSANTLY this month is Maybelline Baby Lips lip balm and it is AMAZING! You can get 6 different ones in the UK, three of them have an SPF and a certain property, for example there is one that contains menthol and one that gives intensive hydration. The other three are tinted lip balms, so as well as being really hydrating, they also add a sheen of colour to your lips.

I own two, Cherry Kiss, which is a hydrating lip balm that adds a deep red sheen to the lips, and Instant Hydration, which -as the name suggest- gives and extra boost of hydration and contains an SPF of 20.

My next favourite of November is more of a fashion favourite and I have been using this ALL the time when I go out after school, on the weekend anytime I go out and I need a bag I use this baby!
This is kind of a bad picture but the best I took! Maybe I should work
View IMG_0055.jpg in slide showon my photography skills.... Anyways!
I love basically everything about this bag! It's the perfect size, you can carry everything you need in it without it being too big and I love the style of it. The strap is adjustable so you can either wear it over the shoulder or ON your shoulder.
The design on it is awesome, I don't even really know how to describe it, it's basically vertical stripes of different patterned material within the same colour scheme and it also has s few stripes of leather in green and brown, it's just really nice!
I got this bag at Claire's on sale down from £22 to £8 so it was a real find!

Back to another beauty favourite now with the Waterproof Showtime Mascara from New York Colour. The reason that I've added this to my list of November favourites is because I got it half way through last month and I am really liking it. It adds a lot of volume to my lashes without being too over powering and I absolutely love the fact that it is water proof! When I get a mascara it has to be water proof, especially this time of the year and it's not because I cry a lot or anything! It's just because my eyes water easily with the wind and such so I am loving my new mascara right now!

And y'know we have to add some food to the mix and I really can't think of anything better than this!

Oh yeah baby! It's a Wonka bar! When I saw this it was literally like a childhood dream come true and it is so delicious I can't even begin to describe it, this one is the Crème Brulee and it's vanilla cream with caramel and covered in milk chocolate and I have to say, I'm not much of a chocolate eater but I am in love with this chocolate bar!

And to finish off my musical favourite of the month is Emma Stevens' new album - Enchanted
I heard the song 'Riptide' on the radio and I just had to get the album! I love all of these songs and they all have a great feel good factor and I can't help singing and dancing along whenever the song comes on!

So that's all of my November Favourites! If you want me to d a separate review of any of these products or you would like a link to where you can get them then just tell me in the comments!
Thanks for reading!
Love Abbi x
P.S the comments should be working again now! Anything you want to tell me feel free to comment and I will reply as so as possible! Thanks guys!